In the clinic, we see a lot of people struggling with constipation. Among other reasons, it can often be a sign of overactivity and poor coordination of the pelvic floor and abdominal muscles.
Common signs of constipation:
- Feeling of incomplete emptying in greater than 25% of bowel movements
- Sensation of obstruction/blockade in greater than 25% of bowel movements
- Manual maneuvers to help empty greater than 25% of bowel movements (e.g, digital evacuation, support of the pelvic floor)
- Fewer than 3 bowel movements per week
- Loose stools are not present, and criteria for irritable bowel syndrome are insufficient
Common Causes of Constipation:
- Lack of fibre in your diet
- Lack of physical activity
- Medications, including iron and calcium supplements
- Dairy intake
- Dehydration
- Abuse of laxatives
- Travel
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Pregnancy
- Luteal phase of menstruation (after ovulation and before menses)
- Colorectal problems
- Intestinal dysfunction
Treating Constipation:
There are several ways of treating constipation, including changes to diet and exercise, use of laxatives, down-training the pelvic floor and scheduled toileting.
These treatments include:
- Increasing fibre and fluids in the diet
- Increasing physical activity
- Learning muscle coordination and relaxation
- Learning proper toileting techniques and toileting modifications
- Designing and sticking to a toileting schedule
source: 2007 Herman & Wallace | Pelvic Rehabilitation Institute
Make an appointment to see Linda, our women’s health physiotherapist who specialise in physiotherapy for bowel conditions.